Ostroh-castle route. Residence of the Ostrohs

Ostroh-castle route. Residence of the Ostrohs

Where to go: Ostrog city

You should take with you:

  • - readiness to find a dragon;
  • - student ticket (if any);
  • - test tasks for admission to the "Ostroh Academy";
  • - top 100 most beautiful women of the Middle Ages;
  • - ten hryvnias.

Outstanding generals, the first beauties of Europe, warriors who became saints, nobles, richer than the king, generous patrons… All of them are from the powerful Ostroh dynasty that ruled these lands for centuries. Princes defended the land, built churches, opened the first universities, printing houses, gathered around them prominent scientists, artists, various innovators and created history. The capital of the princes became the city of Ostrog. It was here, on a high mountain surrounded by a deep moat, that a castle was built, which became a ancestral home. It has survived to this day. The walls of the fortress still remember their victories, life dramas and family secrets.

So if you are wondering how the most beautiful and richest bride in Europe became a black princess, why the prince, who used to hold a sword, decided to print a bible, why the former commander went to the monks, and still want to know who founded the "Ostroh Academy" and what it was first graduates, and see where and how the mighty princes lived, visit the Book Museum, and of course, see the ancestral castle of the mighty princes, then this route is just for you.