Pilgrimage-adventure route. Miracles of Pochaiv and Kremenets

Pilgrimage-adventure route. Miracles of Pochaiv and Kremenets

Where to go: Pochaiv - Kremenets

You should take with you:

  • - headdress for travelers;
  • - a collection of psalms or chants;
  • - kobza (lyre);
  • - a person who can play on it;
  • - ten hryvnias.

The Mother of God appeared here. She was seen by monks and shepherds. And when the Mother of God ascended from earth to heaven, she left her mark on the stone. It is still filled with healing water. There are caves here, where ascetics lived, praying for the whole world. Hundreds of centuries-old icons are kept here, which are updated and work wonders. To this day, almost fantastic stories are told here, which take place in these special places. Pochaiv Lavra was and remains one of the largest Orthodox shrines in Ukraine. People still come here from different parts of the world.

And only 20 kilometers away is the ancient Kremenets with its wonders - the ruins of the castle, owned by the cruel Queen of Bonn, the Maiden Rocks, and the Friday Cemetery, where the Cossacks are buried.

So if you want to hear about why the Tatars could not take the Pochayiv Lavra and how the lyre players sang about it, learn about the ascetic-intellectual who set up a printing business in the monastery, and try to find the treasures of Queen Bonnie and believe in the legend of how one night stone kobzas appeared on the graves of the Cossacks, then this route is just for you.